Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving in the Desert

This year we were so distraught about not being home for Thanksgiving that we decided to have two celebrations. When in doubt...over compensate! On Thursday we joined a caravan of Americans and expat friends and journeyed into Dubai's desert terrain. Our dining room was a bit unusual (seen below from a cliff) but this ravine was a great spot for our potluck themed dinner in the desert. We arrived just before the sunset with firewood, candles, furniture and of course turkey with all the fixings. It was a shame Matt was traveling for work at had to miss out on our second holiday celebration. He was even more remiss when I told him that we incorporated a non-traditional dessert, but an American treat nonetheless. Smores!
An unlikely dining room.
Relaxing in the wadi.SMORES!

1 comment:

udjim said...

We missed you all, too, but we're looking forward to celebrating your homecoming for Christmas!

Should we set the Christmas table outside? How about red and green marshmallows?