Now this is my kind of carnival - airplanes, inflatable water pylons, and cotton candy. Oh yeah.
The Red Bull World Air Races kicked off Friday & Saturday in Abu Dhabi to just about perfect weather. We headed up the road about an hour and half from Dubai to watch some of the best pilots in the world duke it out in a mid-air Formula 1.
Unfortunately, just like in Formula 1, the Americans stink. You can here our friend Malcolm from the UK in the background telling us that Americans are just good at being loud:
All in all, it was a pretty amazing day - these guys could do just about anything with an airplane, and close enough to the ground that you could jump up and touch the wing. The course is nothing to scoff at either - all of the pylons are made of fabric like a moon bounce, so if they get clipped by a plane they'll deflate (and the pilot will get a huge penalty). Here's one pilot coming around for his second pass after hitting a pylon on the first:And to be fair to the pilot, here's a trial run of the course flown by Paul Bonhomme of the UK (who came in second:
And here's me, just wishing I was in one of those planes...
Hello, welcome to Matt and Katie's Blog! We originally started this for our friends and families, and to help acclimate to the desert heat. It's taken on a life of its own, and we're now using it to share the best of what we see, point out our mistakes, and, with any luck, help others around us THRIVE. Enjoy!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Takeoff at The Red Bull Air Races
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Final Day in Jordan AKA "The Last Crusade"
I have to say, it is totally extraordinary. You couldn’t have built this place any better if it were a movie set. The only way to gain access to Petra is through a 1.2km chasm in the Earth which at most points it only 6 – 10 ft. wide, called The Siq, and then it gives way to this incredible sight which is the Treasury. It truly looks like an untouched, ‘lost’ city. The Nabateans who built Petra literally just carved their buildings out of the rock and that marbled sandstone has the most amazing colors in it. The city is over 2,000 years old, and some of these buildings are incredibly well preserved.
The Siq
It's pretty awesome when the Treasury first reveals itself
Ta Da! The Treasury
It can take almost 2-3 days to see all of Petra on foot, and we only had 1 day so we needed to make the most of it. As such, we as a group decided to bargain with the locals to secure a donkey to take us up the over 800 steps to the top of the city where the largest monument in Petra stands – the Monastery. The hike usually takes an hour, and the donkeys tend to expedite this so we decided to give it a try.
Thirsty camel
Those smiles are looks of relief. We were finally back at the bottom.
It should be noted also that this donkey thing isn’t a perfect science; they aren’t exactly “trained”. In one horrifying incident, our friend Maura’s saddle broke as the donkey was climbing downhill and not only did she flip head first over the donkey but it slid down the stairs and part of him landed on her. Umm yeah, she was ok, but let’s just say she walked the rest of the way down after that.
Donkeys aside it is clear to see why Petra is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. It’s absolutely phenomenal.
This shot wasn't staged (nice job Lisa). Our driver Hassan is showing us the area.
The serious hiking and donkey riding left us all a bit exhausted, but when we met up with one of the locals who offered to take us on a sunset hike we couldn’t resist. Turns out it was more of a sunset climb, belay not included. We quite literally scaled this rock face for the next hour while he explained the local geography. When we finally reached the summit he said to us “now you have to say, ‘I’m the King of the World’!”. We all yelled it to please him, but I have to say that just for a few minutes it certainly felt like it.
Our sunset climb.
Totally worth the scrapes and bruises!
Weekend in Jordan, Part 2: Biblical Road Trip
We started the day in the city of Madaba, whose claim to fame is a mosaic map on the floor of an old Byzantine church which is the oldest surviving depiction of the holy land and Jerusalem. I can think of a faster way to draw a map than with hundreds of tiny tiles, but at least the effect is awesome!
Oldest map of the Holy Land, the floor of Saint George's church in Madaba
In continuing our walk down biblical-lane we made one last stop at the site of Jesus’ baptism on the Jordan River. Interesting enough I was also told that I had been to this site when I was on the Israeli side of the Jordan River, turns out it is slightly disputed, but historians are on the side of Jordan for this one. Unfortunately, years and years of rerouting and damming the river have left this site as not much more that a dry mud bed, but we were impressed to see that they had created a mosaic to memorialize the site and included a website!, check it out!
Our final stop was the lowest point on Earth, the Dead Sea. It is also 33.7% salt. Yummy! We bobbed peacefully, enjoying the feeling of weightlessness as the salty water made us float. Then in order to get the true Dead Sea experience we covered ourselves in the thick black mud found on the shores which is famed for its healing and anti-aging properties. Anything to look good for the wedding! The mud also seemed to bring out the super heroes that lived inside of us, I felt like a character from X Men. I think you'll agree everybody looks good with a little bit of mud on them!
Look Mom no hands!
Lisa catching up on the latest issue of Jordan Business magazine
Bobbing in the Dead Sea
The transformation begins!
Wearing turtlenecks on the beach! (Also known as the floating head picture)
The "super hero" powers take over, we are unstoppable in our mud suits!
Watch out Amer, we take no prisoners.
The long days of travel came to and end with watching a glorious sunset over the sea. We were totally relaxed - for the moment that is - it took another 3 showers to finally get all that mud off!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Amman Adventures
On Thursday morning Lisa and I grabbed an early morning flight and met up with Matt who was already in Amman doing a few meetings. The first thing we couldn't help notice when we walked off the plane was the weather. It was cold! I'm told it's called "Spring", we've forgotten all about this four seasons business. The chill soon gave way to the same exhilaration we get every time we leave Dubai - flowers, and trees, and grass oh my! - the blue skies and puffy clouds had already made the trip worth it.
We didn't waste anytime hitting the streets and we met up with our guide Fadi to get a tour of the city. As we arrived on the citadel of the city to see the ancient ruins I couldn't help but think, what haven't the Romans concurred? There in the midst of this modern Arab city was a 2,000 year old Roman amphitheatre and the top of the city boasted remains from an ancient Roman Temple. Add to that the world's tallest flagpole and a few remains of the Dead Sea Scrolls and you've got yourself a vacation! We also found out that Amman used to be called Philadelphia by the Romans, no wonder we were liking this city!
That night we were fortunate enough to be invited to the home of one of Amer's coworkers. A number of the Booz Allen employees were running the Dead Sea marathon the next day and we were graciously invited to take part in the carbo-loading!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Biggest Shower in the World

You may know that it's the world's largest fountain, but did you know that it was also the world's largest fountain-naming contest? In true Dubai spirit - where some things are truly new, and other things are just really, REALLY big version of existing things - the top winner of the contest was DUBAI FOUNTAIN (you have to shout it, you know).
Nonetheless, this project has been a long time coming. Katie can attest to my obsession here - I've been watching them build it from the sand up for 8 months. Don't believe me? Just look at the boring pictures I have to prove it!

Here are a few videos from the shows - they're running a few different versions, and each is set to different music from classical to spanish to arabic. I'll be sure to get more pictures and videos in the near future (they've just started testing the colored light shows), but don't worry, I won't post these for the next 8 months.
Shot from next to our apartment:
Shot in HD from the Dubai Mall on the other side of the lake (be sure to click the HD button!):
Monday, April 6, 2009
Wow. Just when you though those New Year’s resolutions to go the gym are paying off, you see the cast of this show! It’s stunning and so demotivating at the same time! Matt and I decided to split caramel popcorn as we watched the perfect human specimens on display. If you can’t join them, then umm…console yourself with popcorn. That’s what I always say. Matt and I decided to challenge the Atkins and South Beach diets of the world and just start marketing the Cirque du Soleil diet.
I think my research would go something like this: “Excuse me sir can you tell me how you keep so fit?” “Why yes, I spent 8 hours a day balancing all my body weight on the three fingers of my left hand while sitting 10 feet off the ground.” “Oh is that all? What a decidedly easy way to build that “core strength”!” Words escape just how amazing and cool these acts are, so lucky for me; I’ve found a number of videos that do the show justice:
I don’t even know what to say about these two. The entire time I watched this all I could think about is ‘what is going on inside?’ Seriously, where does your liver go?
This isn’t your standard Olympic floor routine! This woman ungulates like a snake. How many years of yoga does this take?
Matt tells me that this guy is impressive, but not nearly as good I want to think because he is using “low temperature fire”. Low temperature fire? What does that even mean, how low can you go?
I am not even sure what is more impressive the guys flipping, or the guys catching them? I can guess at who gets the bigger bruises. Those shoulders have to hurt.
They saved their most intense act for the end. It was great, but I couldn’t relax. By the time it was over I was the one sweating!
Ok, so now off to the gym, it's nice to have something to aspire to! (Of course a new Krispy Kreme just opened up next door, ah, choices, choices...)