Monday, November 3, 2008

BaROCK the Vote!

Ok, so he wasn’t my first choice, I’ll admit. I was a fan of a certain other pantsuit-clad lady. But there is no use crying over spilled milk, and it’s time for us donkeys to do what’s best. Matt and I, are of course, making sure that we fulfill our civic duty, 8,000 miles isn’t going to keep us from making sure Virginia does the right thing this time around!

Here it is, I’m waiving my right to a secret ballot – Obama/Biden 2008, YES WE CAN!

In a parallel universe, here’s what could happen had I not send it in, my friend Maya gave me this helpful little reminder:
I can honestly tell you that the rest of the world, is indeed watching (trust me I'm there)!
Get out there and vote!!!!


Unknown said...

haha this video is hilarious---if i wasnt already voting i would def make sure i did now!!

udjim said...

So glad the video turned out to be a fabrication - thanks for helping us turn Virginia blue!