Thursday, December 2, 2010

UAE National Day: Viva La Khalifa

On this 39th National Day commemorating the unification of the seven United Arab Emirates, we had a front row view.  The trick is, the UAE is truly ahead of the world - so much so, that they held the Dec 2nd National Day celebration on December 1st!  Lucky for us - we have an all glass living room and a long range lens, so when they held the celebrations in the park at the base of the Burj Khalifa we didn't miss a thing! 
The celebration recognized a number of UAE notables - the Armed Forces, emergency services,
top governmental agencies, and community leaders. 
Of course, the fireworks show was in the tradition of the UAE.  Cannons were placed around the Burj Khalifa, along the lake, on the top of surrounding hotels, and Dubai Mall itself.
It's no 4th of July on the Washington DC mall, but a good fireworks show can't be ignored:

1 comment:

jimdad said...

You couldn't have found a better seat for the show! Thanks for letting us sit in your living room for this one.