Part 1: http://picasaweb.google.com/matthew.mueller/AquaventureAtTheAtlantis0908#5251191654454166434
Part 2 (the good one):
After I hopped crab-style on my rear end (in the inner tube) to the closest ladder, climbed down, and spoke to the nearest "employee", I felt a little better. Apparently it was just minor opening-day park jitters. I should've been there a few months ago, she said - she couldn't even count how many bones were broken in the initial testing!
Oh boy.
Next time: My thoughts on the 30-meter Leap of Faith slide ("No accidents since 2pm!").
CNN Video Report: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/09/25/atlantis.hotel/index.html
Al Qaeda's brilliant scheme of mis-designing the slides for broken bones wasn't enough. The plan to continue their personal vendatta with Atlantis and Kylie Minogue. Honestly? A water park in Dubai. This is a bit much...
1 comment:
These people must have learned about beta testing from Microsoft.
It figures that after surviving your adventures with firefighting in Croatia and the detour into Bosnia, you wind up risking your life at the waterpark in Dubai.
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