The blog started as a simple idea to keep in touch with our family and friends, but it has taken on a bit of a life of its own. We've been contacted by newspaper outlets for comments on expat life, we've been approached on more than one occasion by people who are considering moving to Dubai for advice, and we’ve even been added to a UAE community 'super blog'. We aren't sure why we are still writing, or really why you are still reading?! If you've made it this far, give yourself a pat on the back. As long as folks are reading, we are honored to keep on writing, we love your comments and thoughts so keep them coming!
A few fun stats on the year's look back on the blog:
-We've had nearly 7,000 hits in the past year (yeah, I know not that much - we aren't Google!)
-Over 100 people actually subscribe to our updates, some coerced of course...
-The Top 5 Readers by City are:
1. Dubai, UAE - "People here actually read us? Uh oh."
2. Hackettstown, NJ - "Who lives here?"
3. Downingtown, PA - "Thanks Mom"!
4. Washington, DC - "We miss all of you guys too!"
5. Fairfax, VA - "Thanks Mom and Dad Mueller!"
-Our #1 comment poster is none other than the FOG himself, Jim Mueller! Thanks JimDad!
-Some of the most interesting key word searches that have lead to our blog are:
'dairy queen Dubai'
'head oil massage for men in Dubai'
'mexican food Dubai'
and my all time favorite...
'speak up I'm wearing a towel' (No, I am not kidding.)
Although we've received quite a few hits lately for 'Matt Mueller Katie Shaver Wedding', hmmm, all I have to say is, hold your horses, Matt will be posting that site soon.
-We've shockingly have gotten hits from all over the world, just this week we've had hits from Burkina Faso, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Pakistan, and Romania, just to name a few. Below is a map of the hits that we received yesterday. Matt and I agree that we really need to try and break into that whole Greenland market, man those guys are tough!

Happy Blogday!
It's fascinating how many people read our blogs, where they come from, how many media people contact us for info, how many more people ask for info about moving to Dubai.
For all the negative stuff about the place it's like a magnet to so many people around the world.
You've packed more into this year than we would have imagined possible - thanks for taking us along for the ride! We'll keep putting our quarters in as long as you keep the ride going.
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