Friday, July 18, 2008

My World is So Upside Down

Oh boy, I have *so* had enough. For lent next year, I'm giving up flying. In the past 5 days, I've gone from Wisconsin to New York City to Dubai to Paris to Geneva to Vienna. My watch, phone, Outlook calendar, and brain can't agree on what day of the week it is - and it doesn't help that everyone I ask around me says "Margherita Time!". What is that, half past sip o'clock?

Fortunately, it is now precisely the right time of year - vacation time! And it couldn't have come a moment too soon. Let the festivities begin - here's a schedule of the Tour de Experience for Katie, Lisa, and myself:
  • A Historic Beginning: Vienna, Austria for 3 days
  • You Sank My Battleship: Hopefully not sinking a yacht in the Adriatic for 7 days
  • Pronouncing Random Consonants: Dubrovnik, Croatia for 3 days
  • Seriously Frenchie, I Know You Can Speak English: Paris for a week

We'll be posting sporadically (like this one from the Geneva airport), so keep checking back in!

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