To continue Lisa’s “cultural” tour of Dubai, we’ve been making sure that she’s being seeing all the important sites. Granted most of these sites happen to be nightclubs and viewing them only in the bewitching hours after about 11pm, or so! The past 2 weeks we’ve visited the French inspired Boudoir nightclub, the beach club at the Mina Seyahi, the live music venue at the Souk Madinat – Jambase, and the Plastique beach club past Jebel Ali. We’ve captured pictures of all the fun, but stay tuned for a post on some real culture in Dubai!
Lisa and I enjoying our table at Boudoir!

Taking a dip in the Arabian Gulf. The water is nearly 90 degrees! It feels just like bath water.
The Mina Seyhai beach club at the Westin.
Taking a dip in the Arabian Gulf. The water is nearly 90 degrees! It feels just like bath water.
Lisa is not enjoying dancing next to some of our "fragrant" peers at Jambase.
We rented a limo to take us there, it was cheaper to take the 45 minute that way instead of a taxi!
PS. We have no idea who the guy in the picture is, he decided to run in at the last moment - lame.
Seems to me that Lisa is getting a pretty lopsided idea of Dubai "culture". Where are the museums, the libraries, the 3-hour lectures on local flora and fauna?
Lis you are too much!!! These are such good pictures!
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